Progress Update

  1. Goals Accomplished:

    1. Dates in the BBX secured, YAY! (Rehearsal April 17, final performance April 18)

    2. Cut of the music

    3. Assembling a shot list and capturing most of the footage

    4. Creating a draft cut of each screen in Premiere timelines using the captured footage and remainder stock

    5. Capturing remaining footage and creating a more secure draft

  2. What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?

    1. The screens must be shown in a format side by side (or on top of one another) in order to see the true effect, even in draft form.

Music Cut:

Premiere timelines of each screen.

Draft 1, using a few stock clips and footage I captured.

All three videos stitched together - I have a few edits I need to make based off what I see here for timing.

Mapping the lighting with motion capture hardware.

Process Presentation 2:


Week 5 Progress