Week 4 Progress

  1. What were your goals for this week?

    1. Begin choreography, block out visuals, get in contact with BBX coordinators

  2. What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?

    1. I was able to have multiple conversations with both Ondine and Steven. I also started thinking about my dance choreography and completed the visual blocking/storyboarding.

  3. How did you integrate feedback?

    1. I made sure to contact the BBX and talk to Brad like we had talked about in class.

  4. What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?

    1. The choreography is going to take a lot longer than expected, and I think a lot of the other stuff relies on that. Also, getting into the BBX has been a total nightmare and I need to be flexible on how many screens I’ll use. I need to have a Plan B in case I can only use one screen instead of three, unfortunately.


Week 5 Progress


Week 3 Progress